Below is a brief description about some of the elements to the AVID elective. For copies, videos, and more detailed specifics please visit the sub page for each of the following elements.
Cornell Notes
Here is an extra copy of Cornell note paper if you would like to print out at home. Don't have a printer? There are really easy to create on your own as well.
Tutorial Request Form (TRF)
A TRF is due whenever students have tutorials. Students use the TRF to process through content they are struggling with. There are several steps to the TRF and students are expected to fill out every step thoroughly.
Tutorials are conducted twice a week. The students are split into groups of 6 - 8 students per group. Students come to tutorials with their tutorial request form (TRF) completed on a question or topic from a core content class that they are having problems with. Students use guiding questions (ex. "What is the question asking you to do?" Why did you set up the problem in that way?" Are there any graphic organizers that could help you with this question" etc) to help each other answer their point of confusions (POC). Students that are not presenting are busy taking 3 - column notes and supporting their classmate.
Writing Supports.
Students participate in current event reading, quickwrites, and longer written assignments. All assignments have clear goals to improve the writing, analysis, and understanding of a given topic.